Friday, March 20, 2020

Dia 4 Vendura al Super

Dia IV Homebased- Safety

I made it to Friday Day 4 of being home-based once again. I went to the supermarket today and finally witness the bare minimum that is actually available. I guess I never thought in the USA you could ever see something like this.

I am sensitive to all the posts via social media; this is becoming very difficult for people to bare. There are many posts asking people to connect to see how they are managing each day. I also noticed therapist posting for 15 minutes check-in, social media workout session, and YouTube posting from schools. Some told me today safety is all we have now, and as I thought about their comment, I agree.

What I learned today:

  • There are more tractor-trailers on the role of trying to meet the food demand
  • The USA president state that they may have a medication for the COVID-19
  • The USA president may implement a spending stimulus plan for families to reinvest in the economy 
  • Some states in the USA is putting in some relief plans for small business

What I did today:

This was a relaxed day.
Looking forward to my next week's work from home but first I need to enjoy my weekend.

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